Summer For The Gods Summary

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Summer For The Gods: The Scopes Trial and American’s Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion written by author Edward J. Larson which is about Scopes trial that took place in Dayton, Tennessee in 1925. Edward J. Larson is a Pulitzer Price winning historian. He currently is a professor at Pepperdine University School of Law. The primary subject of the book is the Scopes trial. A Tennessee law banned the teaching of human evolution in public schools. The American Civil Liberties Union wanted to change the law, a teacher named John Scopes helped. A politician, William Jennings Bryan was anti-evolution went again Clarence Darrow who is known to be one of the best criminal defense lawyers. The purpose of the book is to bring to attention to the question of science and religion. Over the course of time, there was a lot of debate over science and religion. Larson was able to clearly show how it changed over decades. I believe the intended audience is really anyone interested in the Scopes trial. It reaches a broad audience and anyone …show more content…

creationism. The whole trial was based on these two topics and was debated throughout the book. Anyone who believed in creationism thought theories of evolution were contradictory. I thought another major part was obviously the ending because the audience got to see how the court case ended if they did not already know. Also, we got to hear more from Larson and more about antievolutionism. Larson did a grab job in his final paragraph. The booked flowed in the order of any regular court case. It started with bringing up the controversy and that led into the opinions of this topic. Eventually the trial came to an end and Larson wrapped things up sort predicting how the future will look. I believe the purpose of the book to bring to peoples attention the idea of science and religion. Larson allowed for his readers to get informed about the ideas and

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