Sun Also Rises Comparison

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“The Old Man and the Sea” and “The Sun Also Rises” were written by the same famous American novelist, these two books display numerous similarities, including style, dictions, symbolism, and common themes. On the other side, it is also not hard to discover the shift of Hemmingway’s worldview according to various aspects of the books. One of them was the work that made Hemingway a national recognized writer; the other was almost the last and most influential work. “The Sun Also Rises” and “The Old Man and The Sea”, twenty-six years apart from each other, lead readers through the path of how Hemingway transformed his worldview.
“The Sun Also Rises” was written in the time of the lost generation. The WWI was revolutionary and destructive to an extend exceeding any previous wars in the history of humanity. Deeply changed by WWI, these American authors pondered about the meaning of existence and exiled themselves to European countries. Hemingway was one of the Veterans who came back …show more content…

After the suffering and lost, he came back to his dwelling and peacefully rested on his bed. San Diego did not drink; he did not panic or even trying to be indifferent. The sympathetic little boy came to him and tried to help, but he was calm and steady. Instead, he peacefully accepted the reality of his lost. Knowing that he cannot rewrite the past, he did not try to forget or emphasizing it. Just simply absorbing the reality and living in it soberly already takes a great amount of courage and grace under that pressure. A great author once said, the real courage is being able to remain calm and positive after truly understanding the cruel reality of life. Jake, the younger and more ideal version of Hemingway’s worldview did not make actions paralleling with his ideas. The older and more matured worldview after twenty-six years has more calmness and freedom, which is not the same as