Sunway Group Essay

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Ms. Salleh wasted no time in understanding her team’s immediate role. She diagnosed the team’s strength and weaknesses and identified what were the opportunities and threats to spearhead the new initiative. She deliberated with her team and re-structured the team and recruited extra team members to ensure that GCCD leveraged the team’s strength and brought the Sunway Group to greater heights (see Figure 2). The newly formed GCCD team and structure enabled the team to spearhead, managed and supported the business units in the Group’s sustainability journey. One of GCCD’s key roles was to communicate and created consistent positive perception of the organisation by continuously amplifying the company’s differentiator i.e. its Corporate Social …show more content…

Short term: Examined the business practices and environment 2. Medium term: Formulated strategies of a single unified voice 3. Long-term: Developed plan to internalise the values Short Term: Examined the business practices and environment GCCD, GCSD, and an external consultant at a later stage collaborated, and had the team focused on the immediate short-term goals. The prognosis indicated the need to crystalise and define sustainability due to Sunway’s diversified portfolios. The collaboration of GCCD, GCSD and an external Consultant resulted in a concerted effort to develop sustainability framework after the team examined Sunway’s eco-system (see Figure 3). The framework became the basis for Sunway to move forward and initiated their structured sustainability journey. Medium Term: Formulated strategies of a single unified voice Sustainability the 21st century buzzword was the subject matter widely written and talked about over the media channels, inside boardroom and was regular conversational topics. The Y Generation and the Millennial took it for granted that it was the natural thing to do in the eco-system. Since it was the world and country’s agenda, it became essential for Sunway to formulate strategies to communicate to all the business units on the sustainability journey the organisation planned to take. A rolled-out plans from townhalls and campaigned to engage all the business units was incorporated as part of the timeline. Business units had …show more content…

Salleh and her team were given the tasked to bring the Sunway Group to greater heights to communicate and articulate the differentiator as a company that believed in sustainability. In the same breadth Ms. Salleh strengthened the company’s positive image and perception through strong corporate social responsibility. The diagnosis resulted Ms. Salleh and team to map-out the plan. The structured journey and steps took by the company had produced positive outcomes. The initial and bold step the company took to sign as a member of the United Nation Global Compact in 2012, showed the commitment of the company in its sustainability journey. Sunway started to be recognised in its sustainability development and had received several accolades and certification due to the high public awareness in the organisation sustainability work and efforts. From 2012 to 2015, the organisation had received several sustainability related awards (see Figure 4). In 2015, since its merger in 2010, Sunway did its first Sustainability Report. The journey of Sunway’s moving forward to establish its sustainability footprint was a move to reflect how progressive, and how the company adapted to the trends and pace of the country’s and global

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