Superman Argumentative Essay

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“For decades, Superman has stood as the most iconic comic book superhero,” says a comic enthusiast. After arriving to Earth, he discovered that he had been gifted with incredible superpowers. Superman values the choice to always use his powers for the betterment of mankind. Through wars, The Great Depression, and many other hardships people faced throughout the years, Superman was recognized as a sign of hope. People read his comics to escape the mess of the world, and he had the power to make them believe that good people would always win. Superman has the power of disguise, his biggest weakness exists light years away, and his diminishing x-ray vision warns him of dangerous situations, therefore he is the superhero that our city deserves. …show more content…

This however leaves him in good position to disguise himself. Red solar radiation is emitted from Superman’s home planet, Krypton. When he is exposed to this radiation, his powers are drained from him. Many people may look at this as an extreme disadvantage. While mortal, Superman is actually given the ultimate superpower. He is able to duck into a world full of mortals, away from danger and sight. Much like how soldiers in battle would dress up as the enemy to move in for attack, or how spies change identities to sneak around and collect classified information. Superman is able to conceal himself. While hidden, he is given a major advantage over any villains. He buys himself time to plan a skilled, strong attack and set up defense, so that he is prepared and successful when returning to battle. He uses his mortality to his

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