Support Teaching And Learning Essay

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SST can be implemented by teachers within classroom settings in many varied ways. It can be used informally in everyday classroom activities where teachers can teach positive social behaviour such as cooperation, leadership, conflict resolution, and emotional regulation, particularly when students engage in group activities. While there is some leeway in terms of what social skills are taught, it is important that the skills can be applied in and out of the classroom. Teachers also need to work slowly with the students, working through one skill at a time, as students may be overwhelmed by too many changes at once, and teachers should be mindful of intensifying student’s feelings of social incompetence, particularly those with social phobias …show more content…

Standardised SST programs do not always fit certain situations, and it is best for teachers to adapt the intervention to meet the needs of individuals or groups. Programs may target social skills such as: awareness and expression of feelings, making eye contact, recognition of verball and non-verbal communication, introducing oneself, making small talk, starting, maintaining and ending conversations, negotiation with others, responding to teasing, bullying, dining and dating etiquette (Cappadocia, 2011, Tse et al. 2007) They may include teaching techniques such as modelling, role play, as well as common learning goals and targeted social skills. They may engage in a set sequence of activities such as: check in, review of previous skill, introduction of new skill, role play, activity and closing. (“) Intervention techniques may include: coaching, modelling, rehearsal, feefback reinforcement, goal setting, instructon, peer training, problem solving trainin, self instruction (Maag,

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