Surgical Menopause: Ethical Dilemmas

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Intro: Intro: As a nurse we encounter many ethical and legal dilemmas on a daily basis. One of the ethical dilemmas presented to us was a 36 year old women scheduled for a salpingo – oophorectomy and hysterectomy. During conversation with the patient, the patient comments that she will not be going through menopause but elaborates that her friend had “surgical menopause” and it was devastating. Upon review of the chart, the nurse finds that the surgery consent was signed and calls the physician to relay the information. The physician instructs the nurse to move forward with pre-op. In this scenario a prudent nurse would inform the patient of all the risks and benefits involved and advocate for the patient based on the patient’s decision. Further notify MD that patient education is needed due to patient not fully understanding current procedure scheduled and surgery may need to be held.
Body 1: Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is the removal of both the fallopian tubes and the ovaries and hysterectomy is removal of the uterus. Once the procedure has concluded Mrs. Carson will go into surgical menopause. (Source 1, lewis volume 2 pg 1299) Surgical menopause differs from regular menopause because surgical menopause is immediate, estrogen is no longer available, and the patient will not have her menses. Surgical menopause can be more severe related to …show more content…

The legal ethical theory comes into play “teleology- used a less desirable method to reach a positive wanted goal.” Though the patient needs this procedure for betterment of her health and it is prescriber desired. The patient going into the surgery not fully informed will lead to serious repercussions. teleology (source 4, pg 567 leadership