Essay On Surgical Site Infection

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A surgical site infection is an infection that occurs after surgery in the part of the body where the surgery took place. Surgical site infections can sometimes be superficial infections involving the skin only. Other surgical site infections are more serious and can involve tissues under the skin, organs, or implanted material. Surgical site infection (SSI) is defined as an infection occurring within 30 days after a surgical operation (or within 1 year if an implant is left in place after procedure) and affecting either incision or deep tissues at the operation site. These infections may be superficial or deep incisional infection or infections involving organ or body space (1). Postoperative SSI is among the most common problems for patients …show more content…

The incidence of MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) in India ranges from 30-70%. The incidence of nosocomial infections which are caused by MRSA continues to increase; therefore, the importance of their detection, especially for treatment and epidemiological purposes arises. Objective: The study was carried out with following objectives in the post-operative wound infections : • To know frequently isolated bacterial microorganism • To know the best effective antimicrobial agent Methodology: The study was carried out in general ward of the North Indian hospitals. The samples from the 50 post operative patients were evaluated for the study. The ages of the patients are in the 20-50 years. The surgical operative procedures are done in such patients and showing Surgical site infection is the main inclusion criteria of the enrolled patients. Samples were taken from the patients during the period of surgical wound dressing before the wound was cleaned with antiseptic solution. The swab was inoculated onto plates of MacConkey agar and 5% Sheep blood agar by rolling the swab over the agar and streaked. These plates were incubated at 37° C for 24-

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