Simon Wiesenthal Analysis

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Suspend Judgement. To suspend judgment is refraining from drawing one’s own conclusions and judging the unnecessary. Society easily judges the person’s clothes, beauty, tone and attitude, nevertheless, many tend to judge one’s place in society focusing mainly on the materialistic side. However within the texts of the Sunflower, The Cage, Harrison and Boy in the Striped Pajamas, the reader can analyze their place in society and better understand their status’. Despite the language of hope and forgiveness in the novels, the Sunflower and The Cage by Simon Wiesenthal and Ruth Minsky Sender that conveys a higher place in society, it is the language of innocence and ignorance in the texts “Harrison” and Boy in Striped Pajamas by Kurt Vonnegut and John Boyne inevitably conveys the movement of the characters to a lower place in society. The language of hope and forgiveness in the novels the Sunflower and The Cage by Wiesenthal and Sender conveys a higher place in society. Specifically, Wiesenthal’s language of forgiveness is expressed in Karl 's language toward him, which ironically, is the key factor in raising Simon 's social status. Towards the end of the …show more content…

Karl tells Simon how terrible he feels. He explains to Simon that those Jews die quickly, they do not suffer like he does - though they are “not as guilty as [he is]” (Wiesenthal 52). Karl thinks that the pain of guilt is worse than the pain of death. Karl has always longed to die, but now, he is just not ready. He needs an answer to his confessions. Likewise, he thinks that he is suffering more than the Jews. His suffering decreases his place in society and increases Simon’s. As a matter of fact, this passage is evidence of Karl being selfish. He believes that he is going through more pain than the Jews, not knowing that he had a choice and the Jew’s did