Sustain Mls's Knowledge Management Plan

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Sustain MLS’s Information and Knowledge creation across segments and geographical locations. This means that access to all knowledge resources and people expertise will be guaranteed regardless of geographical location or department belonging and accessing existing knowledge to get immediate ROI from existing resources. Strategic Ambition 2: Help MLS’s staff to find, organise and share information and knowledge existing in the organisation This means designing the processes and identify the means needed to support MLS’s ambitions. Strategic Ambition 3: Increase collaboration and enable knowledge creation and sharing within the MLS and towards the external stakeholders This means allowing for imbedding collaboration and knowledge sharing …show more content…

“Initiate 2. Develop 3. Standardise 4. Optimise 5. Innovate” (LibSource, 2017) COE (Centre of Excellence) was not chosen as it tends to favour ROI, and as a public library they are not about money, but about proving to their government that they are a necessity and providing patrons valuable resources. 4. STRATEGIC GOALS The following five Knowledge Management strategic goals will contribute to MLS Expected Results. These results are achieved through the development and delivery of a series of services at MLS, and further detailed in The Knowledge Management Plan for 2017-2022: 1. Strategic Goal 1: To recognise information and knowledge as one of the main company asset - Recognise that peoples’ knowledge is the most important asset and managing it requires a lot of commitment, nurturing and investment, in both time and effort. - Recognise the importance of the experience and expertise of staff as the most valuable knowledge asset and outline the necessary processes to ensure we capture and reuse that knowledge for our future plans for the patrons and in our decision …show more content…

4. Strategic Goal 4: To facilitate people-enabled knowledge sharing within MLS and towards external stakeholders - Facilitate knowledge sharing in different forms and through different channels both on-and – offline. - Balance the technology with facilities and communication process that allow people to also foster physical interaction and actual face-to-face exchange of knowledge. However, as MLS is geographically dispersed over several sites and scheduled staff meetings mean people miss out, with the technology available now a virtual meeting rooms, video chat and online connection capabilities may need to be used to facilitate virtual face-to-face meetings, this will help to save money. - To recognise the importance of sharing information and knowledge throughout MLS. - To make information transfer between MLS and the customer more straightforward. - To encourage the sharing of tacit knowledge from person to person, while gradually investing in means to capture the tacit knowledge converting it into more tangible and explicit knowledge, since currently MLS is more of explicit knowledge, this push to change will benefit MLS with increased

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