Sustainable Tourism: The Advantages And Cons Of Ecotourism

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It is easy to find ecotourism holidays but it is difficult to find green once. Ecotourism or sustainable tourism is a responsible tour to natural places which protects the environment and promotes the welfare of local societies According to The International Ecotourism Society (TIES,2006). This organization is the first, most significant, non-government and non-profit ecotourism organization which established in the USA in 1990 (TIES,2015). The TIES plays many roles for example; reducing the negative impact, raising awareness and respecting the environment and culture,(TIES,2015).These attempts to protect the environment can not prevent the negative impact on those places because ecotourists should usually travel the holiday destination by plans or boats to reach there which cause air pollution. (Buckley, 2009). In addition, ecotourism has different types such as mass and alternative tourism.(Weaver, et al., 2001) Indeed, ecotourism has been raising between 20%-34% every year. Furthermore, in 2004, it was increasing rapidly and internationally 3 times than other types of tourism (TIES,2006). The main body of this essay is divided into 3 paragraphs. The first two argue that ecotourism is not environmentally friendly, the third is a counter argument which is then refuted. This essay argues that despite its best attempts, ecotourism is certainly not green in relation to long and short haul travel, the Trojan Horse effect, and attempts for conservation of the environment.


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