Two threats to Turner Entertainments future is illegal/online gambling as well as online marketplaces for lodging such as Airbnb. Turner Entertainment has lots of capital invested in its properties as well as business licenses, permits and fees associated with running hotels. Airbnb bypasses lots of regulations and in turn doesn’t have to invest as much capital to compete for the same customer base as Turner Entertainment. This creates an uneven playing field and can lead to Turner Entertainment possibly going out of business. To better cope with this threat, Turner Entertainment can pay lobbyists to change laws that will benefit them and not Airbnb. They can also, use the same laws that Airbnb used to come into existence and apply them to …show more content…
She says that Authentic leaders “are mission driven and focused on results. They are able to put the mission and the goals of the organization ahead of their own self-interest. They do the job in pursuit of results and good outcomes, not for their own power, money or ego.” This key point is very important because it makes it hard for others to challenge Tim’s true intentions. His actions are genuine and he has no ulterior motive with his leadership style. If Turner Entertainment asks Tim to close on a lower cost supplier for Towel’s, then he will focus on that mission by delegating which will result with someone within the team having found a supplier for cheaper towels. Another Strength of Tim’s leadership is his ability to lead with his heart. Since more than half of the team members are woman and I being one of them, it is greatly appreciated when he is leads with his heart. He connects with us and Fiona Hewitt says authentic leaders, “are not afraid to show their emotions, their vulnerability and to connect with their employees at a human level.” The third key point to Tim’s strength as an authentic leader is his “pattern of leader behavior that draws upon and promotes both positive psychological capacities and a positive ethical climate” as discussed by Shirey, Maria R. in Enhance your self-awareness to be an authentic leader. Tim …show more content…
For one, he sees the good in everyone which can lead him to trust individuals very easily. As an authentic leader, he has not been taken advantage of yet in the workplace, but it doesn’t mean that it can’t happen in the future. Another weakness of Tim’s leadership is that he takes work place situations personally. For example, a couple of months back, one of the team members was taking longer than usual breaks and was brought to Tim’s attention. Instead of giving the employee a warning and reminding them of company policy regarding break time, he instead emphasized with them on a personal level. That employee promised Tim it won’t happen again but months later still takes longer breaks than the allotted time just because they feel they can get Tim to forgive