Swot Analysis Of Verizon

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Today’s meeting was an interesting introduction to Verizon’s ground-level corporate responsibility measures. We’ve heard a lot about the company’s commitment to its credo since our day-one intern orientation, but this is the first example of true corporate policy implementation I have seen. Frankly, I was pleasantly surprised by the level of dedication and support Verizon has shown for the ERGs and other programming. Mario’s discussion of the importance of the Credo – and his ability to quote it word for word – seemed emblematic of an overall trend. When I was first introduced to the Credo, I was a bit underwhelmed; it seemed like just another piece of corporate propaganda. However, even in my few weeks here, I’ve come to realize that it means significantly more than that. Events such as Mario’s lecture have brought me to the conclusion that the Credo is not just ideology dictated from above, but instead serves the dual purpose of both formally acknowledging Verizon’s …show more content…

The fact that Verizon is willing to go out of its way in order to create and support a diverse community is still astounding to me. Mario was quite open about Verizon’s shortcomings, but also its successes; they lagged behind their competitors in terms of ERG programing and corporate responsibility ratings until several years ago, but the company has pushed for increased compliance with ever-changing standards recently. Overall, I am thoroughly impressed with Verizon’s commitment to both its employees and societal issues. I have a lot of respect for what both Mario and Kathy said in regards to how the company responds to individuals or groups who may disagree with its social platform. They both expressed the same sentiment, just in different ways: Verizon has long put its support behind somewhat-contentious social issues which may have drawn the ire of certain groups, but it has not – and will not – allow external pressure to make it disregard its

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