
Symbolism And Imagery In The Crucible, By Arthur Miller

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Miller’s use of symbolism and imagery, reveals the true love Circe had towards Glaucous and how Circe trusts too easily. When Glaucous awoke from undergoing the changes that turned him into a god, she hid the truth from him that it was her who gave him immortality. According to Miller, “I loved his face in those moments, glowing with power and joy” (Miller 50-51). Miller’s use of imagery, helps to convey the idea how much Circe loved Glaucous and how she trusted too easily. Even before Glaucous was turned into a god Circe truly loved him. Circe went through all of this hardship just to have a chance at marrying him. When the transformation happened, her love for him grew even stronger. The reason that she trusts too easily is because of her
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