Symbolism In Ender's Game, By Orson Scott Card

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Orson Scott Card once said, “Human beings are free except when humanity needs them” (Card 35). There are distinct limits of human freedom, every individual is required to have a responsibility in aiding their own kind. No person has full control over one’s life. This ideology is proved in the novel “Ender’s Game,” in which Card uses symbolism, dramatic irony, and foreshadowing to present the topic of freedom and confinement. Through the usage of symbolism, Card creates emotion and meaning for the characters. The students at the battle school, especially Ender, are perceived as “tools, that the others use to help us all survive” (Card 35). The students symbolize essential weapons to the war, without them, it cannot be won. However, they are being manipulated into fighting wars against the buggers. The teachers openly admit that “I can make you guys believe anything. I can make you dance around like puppets” (Card 26). They are implying that the students merely symbolize puppets that are forced to obey the officer's wishes. …show more content…

Ender cannot be manipulated like the other kids, he figures out early on that the games they play are real battles against the buggers. He is strongly against destruction and doing damage but he believes that “[he has] to fight this now, and for all time, or I’ll fight it every day and it will get worse and worse” (Card). Ender understands that he must defeat the “game” in order to stop playing it and being forced to cause more

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