Symbolism In Ingmar Bergman's 'Wild Strawberies'

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“Wild Strawberies” Ingmar Bergman, released in 1957 in Sweden psychological road movie, example of auteur film theory a movie about a man forced to face his past, come to terms with his mistakes , and make peace with the inevitability of his approaching death through flashbacks and fantasies. portrays one man’s journey of self-discovery, semi authobiographical resonance a film that catapulted Ingmar Bergman to international acclaim winning et alia a Golden Globe for Best Foreign film exploring philosophical themes as introspection the examination of one 's own conscious thoughts and feelings.
Homo viator – symbol of human fate, ,Literary topos of a man in a road,
→ a person will always be alone pilgrim → loneliness = death→ inevitable
One of the main themes in the movie is a lonelieness.
Each character has different live, each one of them is lonely. In different time of their lifes but coping with the same. .
Circular nature of time → clock → clock without heads→ time is static as nothing changes → sisyphus labor
It is a prolouge to the story, an opening that ties the main ideas together. It is an extract where the cinematography is extremly expressive, offering a lot of imagery and symbolism
Allegorical dreams are integral to the film 's theme → BORG LIVES IN HIS HEAD.
The Extract
Medium shot of Isaak laying in a bed. The moonlight shines on his right cheek and eye= religious connotation.
Followed by sounds of harph creating a fantasy