Ernest Hemingway Old Man And The Sea Analysis

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Ernest Hemingway wrote Old Man and the Sea to symbolize his feeling about writing and how other people interpret his work. The book can be interpreted in many ways but these symbolisms seem to fit the best. Youthful Hemingway liked to go with his father on hunting and fishing. This adoration for open air is seen in a significant number of Hemingway 's stories. Hemingway actually went to safari in Africa which could also be the motive of symbols mentioned in the book. Hemingway 's life could be connected to the major characters in the book Old Man and the Sea and from his biography he mostly writes about the experiences that he had in his lifetime. Old Man and the Sea can be used as a key to unlock Hemingway 's feelings and get to know why he committed a suicide. There are many symbols in the book but one of the most important is Santiago the old man. The only reason Santiago had desire for his life was because of fishing. He loved the process and the reward he got at the end. The evidence doesn 't really support it but Santiago could have been a great fisher in his youth because of the skills he possesses in his old years. The old man has good skills but is not lucky at all. Santiago lived to fish, he didn 't fish to live. His main purpose in his life was fishing because it brought happiness and fulfillment in his life. Ernest Hemingway loved writing novels as well, all his life was based on writing books. …show more content…

There are many ways to interpret the story but this seems the most appropriate. The sea in which Santiago is fishing in could represent Hemingway 's memories because the books that he writes are truly based only on his experiences. The dots connect and Hemingway 's biography explains these symbolisms. He committed suicide because of alcoholism and because of the fact that he could not write anymore. The only reason to his life was writing and "bleeding at the