
Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

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In Jay Gatsby’s past he created an obsessive illusion, about him and daisy having a wonderful life but his past blinded him to reality. This novel was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald who teaches us that by trying to relive the past can damage your future, the main character Gatsby is obsessed with daisy and he wants everything to be like the past but he fails to realize that the girl of his dreams is in love with someone else. This novel brings a lot of mystery, memories and dreams. There were many symbols associated with gatsby, the power of money, and his hope on his american dream which all leads to a twist when jay gatsby was killed and the woman he was fighting for didn’t even attend his funeral.

Also money is such a powerful thing it revolves around the world , you may even use it to attract people …show more content…

Eckleburg, which had just emerged, pale and enormous from the dissolving night”.(159-160) Michaelis is surprised because george is looking at the eyes as if they were the eyes of god. “ standing behind him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T.j. Eckleburg.” god sees everything repeated wilson”.(8.83-104) these eyes have a significance because it figures the relationship with the characters, the eyes seem to frown down on the characters. “Don’t do it today.” Gatsby answered. He turned to me apologetically.”you know, old sport. I’ve never used that pool all summer “(153) this pool represents gatsby’s dream, he tries to bring back his dream by swimming in it one last time.” He must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream”(161) In other words this pool symbolizes the rebirth of gatsby’s ability to dream and attempt to stop time to go back to how things were with daisy in the

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