Symbolism In The Great Gatsby

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Gatsbys unrelenting pursut of the “AMerican DReam” through hsi love for daisy, is one of the tragic triats that drives the story. In the book Gatsby mentions to believe in the “green light, the orgastich future that year by year recedes before us”, this embellished the idea of gatsbys obsession for the american dream. Gatsbys main goal was to pursue daisy, he was willing to do so even if it meant deminishing his values. Gatsbys consistency on the idea on rekiniling his relationship with daisy added to the tragicicty of the book. In the book theres a queto about GAtsby thats says “he talked a lot about the past, and i gathered that he wanted to recover something, some idea od himself perhaps, that had gone into loving daisy”, this shows that