
Symbolism In The Masque Of The Red Death

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“We punish time from us, and wish him back: . . . Life we think long and short; death seek and shun” (Edward Young). This literary peace of work is a story about a prince who thought he could escape death by locking himself in a castle with his family and friends. He succeeds for a good while before what is inedible happens and the Red Death sneak’s in to kill them all. The theme in “the Masque of the Red Death”, Edgar Allan Poe suggests that death is inescapable. Poe employs symbols, setting, and irony. The symbols Poe used in this story were the clock and the rooms. The clock is a symbol, which represents how time does not wait for anyone or anything. “But when the echoes had fully ceased a, laughter at once prevailed the assembly; the musicians
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