Symbolism In The Masque Of The Red Death

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Can people really escape death? When the king and a select few of his friend locks them self in his castle to get away from the disease that was going around killing people they had still end up dying when the Red Masked killed them all. When the red scarlet room was mention they would talk about how dark it was in there and the only light was the little fire people would be scared to go anywhere near it case of how scarce it was. The room show sadness and death because that what the color represent. The last one is when the Red Masked came and the author would describe how sad he looks and how is face looks all death like and a crops The hidden message in Poe’s “ The Masque of the Red Death’’ is that you can never escape death no matter how hard you try to do so. Prince Prospero had locked himself in the castle to escape the disease that was invading his kingdom. Prospero would go on and talk about how he “ retried to deep seclusion of one castellated abbeys’’(456). He had left his whole kingdom to fight for the them self while he was safe in his castle. He was a selfish person …show more content…

And he was just like a walking dead corps that did look alive. its funny how the Prince and his friends though they had escaped the Red death but it still had end up coming after them. When poe says “ died each in the despairing posture of his fall.’’(461) You can never escape death no matter what you try to do. Death will always follow you not matter who are were you are. The prince thought he could escape that just because he had money and was able to hide himself in a castle. But the Red Death was still able to get them even when they did all this stuff to

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