Symbolism In The Minister's Black Veil

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In The Minister's Black Veil, Mr. Hooper always wore a black veil. People were confused to why the minister wore the black veil all the time. Mr. Hooper made a statement that, " there is an hour to come when all of us shall cast aside our veils." The meaning of his statement was not clear, but can be interpreted as many different denotations. First, Mr. Hooper means that we will all die and the "veil" we wear to cover ourselves up will be gone. Secondly, everything will be revealed in the final hour. Lastly, the symbol of isolation will be absent. The black veil that Mr. Hooper wears is a symbolic item of the hidden sins we hide. Mr. Hooper is figuratively speaking that we wear a veil to hide our sins from others. The veil is a figure of death, sin, and evil. Everyone has something that they do not want others to see. The "veil" covers that up and portrays to others as a mystery. People are ashamed that others will judge them for who they are. We all want to be accepted by the crowd. A black veil to someone could be that they are unwilling to admit to their sins, or to someone else, the veil could be the sins itself. When we die, we will be exposed. The secret sin an never be lifted from any of us until the day we die. …show more content…

Some think they can live unknown forever, hiding from society, but that is not the truth. At the final hour, we will have no where to go, but face our sins. We will have no option, but to cast aside our veils and come clean. Mr. Hooper wore the veil because he knew he was not worthy enough to show his face. He understood that it was a privilege from

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