Symbolism Pertaining To Aaron's Rod Throughout The Bible

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Based on Exodus 7 and Numbers 17, Aaron’s rod is a symbol of miracles and of life. However, the tones of Exodus 7 and Numbers 17 are conflicting. There are several examples of symbolism pertaining to Aaron’s rod throughout the Bible.
In Exodus 7, Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh to try to get the Israelites released. When Pharaoh told them to prove themselves, Aaron threw down his rod, and it turned into a snake. Even though he saw the miracle with his own eyes, Pharaoh still refused to believe and have faith.
During Numbers 17, God had the Israelites place twelve rods, one for each tribe, by the Ark of the Covenant. God chose Aaron’s staff, which represented the tribe of Levi. Flowers and fruit grew on the rod, and it shows how God gives life.