Symbols In Lord Of The Flies Symbolism Essay

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Anyone who has ever read “Lord Of The Flies” by William Golding knows that there is lots of symbolism in the novel. In the book, Golding uses powerful symbols to show hope, civilization, and power. Though, have you ever thought about why authors use symbolism in their writing? How does it enhance writing? What’s its significance? Well, let me just say, that this literary device made “Lord Of The Flies” much more interesting and captivating. First, to discuss symbolism. The basic meaning from the dictionary for symbolism is, “ symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or facts”. Throughout the book, Golding uses various objects to express his writing further. By using the device it can force a reader to think more critically. While reading this book, there’s a possibility …show more content…

Although, realizing that he uses symbolism shows the deeper meanings he put behind the objects. Some of the symbols even foreshadowed some of the events that happen in the story. In my opinion, symbolism is a very significant attribute to literature. It can give the reader a new way to look at certain things. It can promote clarification to details that usually aren’t noticeable. That’s why it’s such a powerful tool to use. Now, as for the symbols, the conch will be the first to discuss. Back into the first chapter is where Ralph found the conch laying among the ferny weeds. The shell seemed very important to Piggy once he realized what it was. At the time, they were wondering about what they should do to find the others on the island. So, they blew the conch to signal the rest of the boys over to the platform. “Ralph grasped the idea and hit the shell with air from his diaphragm. Immediately the thing sounded. A deep, harsh note boomed under the palms, spread through