Symbols In The Cask Of Amontillado

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The “Symbols” of Amontillado Symbols can tell a story in a deeper sense of detail through characters, setting, and even their environment. Objects, characters, or their emotions can give valuable information; information that lets the reader know about what might happen further in the story. Edgar Allen Poe’s, “The Cask of Amontillado” has many different kinds of symbols tell how unfortunate Fortunato is by his own Name his friend Montresors name, and the Coat of Arms in the cellar. To start off, Fortunato’s name is a symbol in itself because of what kind of character he is. His name has the key word “fortune” and his name also means lucky in Italian, which means that the character Fortunato should be a lucky person. Well this is not case because he is very unlucky when avoiding Montresors trap. Fortunato is also a symbol because of what he wears; a jester costume. …show more content…

The Coat of Arms that is hung on the wall has distinctive features that resemble the Coat of Arms in the Irish nation. It has a Huge, golden, human foot, stomping on a snake, whose fangs are in the heel of the foot. From the stories description of the characters and their wrong-doings, it shows that Fortunato is the snake, biting Montresor, which leaves a sting that Montresor wants to get rid of. The golden foot is Montresor who stomps on the snake and brings justice to the snake for his wrong-doing. The Coat of Arms is also a symbol because the saying on the top of the medal, “Nemo me impune lacessit”. This means, “No one attacks me with impunity”. Referring back to how there are similarities to the Irish Coat of Arms, this saying is not on the Irish Coat of Arms. This means that the Coat of Arms in the cellar is a fake and is only a vision of what Montresor sees as his perfect