Symbols Used In Elie Wiesel's Night

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During the Holocaust, the yellow star badge was assigned to the Jews during Hitler’s reign. This badge is a good example of a symbol. To Hitler and the Nazis, the yellow star symbolized that whomever wore it was a Jew. To the Jews, whomever wore this badge were to be sent to the concentration camps. They either worked there, were cremated at the crematory, or both. In the novel Night, which is about a survivor of the Holocaust, there are many symbols just like the star. In this essay, the use of fire, corpses, and a Jew named Juliek and his violin as symbols, will be examined. Fire is constantly used throughout the novel, Night. Madame Schachter, a Jew, was the woman who brought up the use of fire. Madame Schachter was a woman who went crazy