Sympathy For George In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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In John Steinbeck's novella Of Mice and Men, the reader feels more sympathy towards George, rather than Lennie or Curley's Wife. Steinbeck depicts an authentic representation of the Great Depression's challenging times and how they impact people like George. The hardships he experienced surpassed those of Lennie and Curley's wife. George had Lennie, a responsibility which caused him unnecessary trouble. He ended Lennie's life and thus lived with it on his conscience.

The hardships George experienced surpassed those of Lennie and Curley’s wife. Even though Lennie was misunderstood and bullied, his disability left him almost clueless of the suffering around him. He lived with the hope that he was going to achieve his dream, and in the final moments of his life, George had him believe that they had made it. Curley’s wife may have been isolated, but she was provided for and she did not have to work to feed herself or to pay for a place to …show more content…

George keeps losing his jobs because of misunderstandings caused by Lennie’s disability. In weeds they got run out because Lennie was accused of trying to rape a girl, when he was trying to feel her dress. George is patient and repeats himself when Lennie does not understand or when he forgets. George looks out for Lennie and he gives Lennie hope. At the start of the book when Lennie was drinking water from the river George told him to”” . George tells Lennie about the dream of living of the fatta the land and the fact that they are not like other guys makes Lennie intent with life. Deep down George knows this is a farfetched dream and theory but it gives meaning to Lennie’s life. George gave up a lot for Lennie. He gave up his freedom, he could have spent his 50 pounds at a cathouse like every other guy but instead he basically fathered a grown man. He did not find a girl, he did not get married or have children of his own, he didn't settle down