Synopsis Of The Play Elephant's Graveyard By George Brant
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Elephant’s Graveyard
Elephant’s Graveyard by George Brant is the true story of the tragic collision of a struggling circus and a tiny town in Tennessee. Set in late 1916, the play combines historical fact and legend. George Brant has written many plays, including Elephant’s Graveyard, Grounded, Grizzly Mama, and Salvage, along with many others. Elephant’s Graveyard was produced by Pinnacle High School on November 5th to the 7th, directed by Melissa Carroll-Jackson. Pinnacle High School has been the location of many plays, such as Annie, Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, Dracula, and Into The Woods. As I watched Elephant’s Graveyard, I was hit by a freight train of emotions. The superb acting by the students of Pinnacle High School astounded