
A Very Brief Story Of Archimedes Of Syracuse

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Archimedes of Syracuse was born in the city of Syracuse, Italy, on the island of Sicily around the year 287 BCE. Syracuse was a small, independent Greek country at this time. He was the son of Phidias, an astronomer and mathematician. He was lucky to be able to attend school because only the most fortunate boys were allowed to go to school during his time. Besides knowing a little information about his father, Phidias, very little is known about his early life or his family. There are no known records of any siblings or if he ever had a wife or if he had children. It is believed that Archimedes spent the majority of his life in Alexandria, Egypt, where he went to school. Most students at this school were interested in physical education. However, Archimedes was much more interested in his mathematical theorems than physical education. He was often bullied because he did not express interest in physical education. Archimedes had many different achievements in his lifetime. It was said that he was one of the greatest …show more content…

He is has been credited with the famous quote: “Give me a place to stand on, and I can move the Earth.” There are many different stories about Archimedes. Some of these stories may be exaggerated or folktale. This is one of the stories. One day , it is said that Archimedes was being bullied by Brutus, a classmate that was much larger and stronger. He had been bullied by Brutus for years. One day, while he was being mercilessly

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