TBOS Culture

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What ethnic and cultural background practitioners of the TBOSS program have?
Are practitioners of the TBOSS program sensitive to the culture of the individuals they serve?
Hypothesis 1:
When practitioners and clients have matching ethnic and cultural background treatment is more effective.
Hypothesis 2:
When sensitive to client’s culture practitioner can build a better rapport and service outcomes.
Culture acts like a filter through which people perceive the world. If a practitioner is unaware of a client’s culture, there will be a great chance for misunderstanding (Grinnell et al., 2012). According to the President’s New Freedom Commission’s Final Report (New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, 2003) racial and ethnic minorities by 2025 …show more content…

Therefore the level of service delivery can directly be affected by the educational factors. The CSWE mandated that BSW programs prepare students for “generalist practice” approach compare to the MSW curriculum that prepares students for advanced practice and expertise in specific areas (CSWE, 2008). According to the Senreich and Straussner (2013) generalist practice in BSW education doesn’t prepare students for effective practice with different populations because there are no specific evidence-based skills learned. The main concern is whether or not interns with bachelor’s degree in different field who deliver services in TBOSS program are as affective as graduate students with an MSW, or practitioners with post-masters clinical license. Senreich and Straussner (2013) state that for delivering effective treatment in working with clients it is necessary to implement evidence-based interventions. Their research suggests that students with BSW have only modest knowledge and attitudes when working with certain populations. Dorfman et al. (2008), when comparing BSW and MSW student outcomes found that students with an MSW have significantly greater knowledge in overall means and in physical, psychological, social, and economic areas. Skills …show more content…

As the discuss in individual supervision practitioners appreciate individual attention, case specific direction and process of development skills, when in group supervision practitioners value support of the group members and deeper exploration of the particular interventions. Kadushin and Harkness found that practitioners prefer individual supervision over group supervision, however, when receiving individual supervision they tend to seek support from their colleagues with different levels of expertise. Individual supervision is preferred because of the negative behaviors when receiving group supervision related to the group members interactions. Practitioners are found to be more effective and were able to develop more skills when receiving both individual and group supervision, compared to group supervision alone that only helped them to achieve