Case Study Of Taco Bell's Customer Satisfaction Survey

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TellTheBell is a survey website where customers can take part in the Customer Survey Sweepstakes. Here customers of Taco Bell give their valuable feedback; it is basically a Taco Bell’s customer satisfaction survey. In this survey they offer the opportunity to enter the sweepstakes and a chance to win $500 each month. Taco Bell gives such a great service for customers to share their feedback; through survey they determine how to make improvements in their services.

What is Taco Bell?
Taco Bell is a world famous Mexican fast food chain restaurant based in Irvine, California, in the U.S. A subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc. Taco Bell was founded by Glen Bell as a small chain of restaurants about more than 50 years ago has now …show more content…

The survey will be applied to 100 randomly selected people from each of the municipalities studied and interview with the marketing manager of the franchise TACO BELL to learn marketing strategies implemented by the franchise internationally.
The survey will be structured by 9 questions of closed type and multiple selections were used language easily understandable to the population under study to facilitate obtaining clear answers. This survey arrogates profile data about consumers as well as their tastes and preferences. In addition, an interview with the marketing manager of the franchise TACO BELL is held internationally structure with open and very specific questions which will produce qualitative data about the strategies applied by this franchise in the other countries where it has developed.

Tell the Bell $500 Survey …show more content…

Points to Remember
• The $500 grand prize is for one person per household. Living in same household is not eligible.
• There will be 24 unique entry periods in total to select a winner.
• To take a part you must be a legal resident of United States.
• You must be of age 18 or older than that.
• Keep your cash register receipt saves to get a chance to win.
• To enter without purchase, on paper of size 3"x5" write your name, your name and address (PO Boxes), city, zip code and date of birth. Send your registration in an envelope not larger than No. 10 and sent it at Taco Bell Customer Service Sweepstakes, PO Box 5012 Dept.: 39269, Clinton, IA 52736.
• Winners will be notified by phone or email.
• Names of the winner will be published in

This survey helps in knowing the visit of customers to one of the restaurants and so helps to know what their expectations regarding their service and food, plus bring any suggestions for improvement. Participate in the survey you could win a grand prize of $ 500.
Taco Bell appreciates your honest opinion and in appreciation for taking the time to review, enters the weekly draw to win $

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