Taking A Closer Look At Ceres Nuclear Power

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While humans continue to drain the Earth of its fossil fuels, cities like Ceres need to find alternate ways of generating energy. Two of the most popular energy sources are solar panels and nuclear power plants. Though both sources create sufficient amounts of energy they heavily differ. Both solar and nuclear power have their strengths and drawbacks, but based off of stories many tend to steer towards solar panels. Without hearing both sides of the two options one cannot thoroughly weigh out the options, causing the overlooking of nuclear power. A nuclear plant is the best design to efficiently generate power for Ceres because of its cost, power output, and benefits for the economy. Though nuclear power is the best choice for Ceres solar …show more content…

For one, solar panels are independently owned, making it easier for the homeowner but difficult for the numerous people in need of a job. The article Nuclear Energy: Pros & Cons argues, “According to NEI, one new nuclear plant creates 400 to 700 permanent jobs, not to mention thousands of others during its construction” (Nuclear Energy Pros). Not only are nuclear power plants creating energy but also jobs. By creating a nuclear power plant in Ceres many unemployed civilians would have a chance at making income, therefore bettering our city. Nuclear power plants don’t come without drawbacks though as pointed out, “A typical nuclear power plant generates 2,000 kg of used nuclear fuel per year. The problem is that this spent fuel is highly radioactive and potentially dangerous” (Nuclear Energy Pros) Solar and nuclear power both can potentially be dangerous in different ways. Nevertheless, nuclear energy is hardly dangerous if properly taken care of. In spite of many viewing solar energy as the more dangerous option, statistics prove otherwise, “Based off of recent findings, solar energy appears to have a death rate of 0.44 deaths per terawatt hour. Nuclear energy appears to have a death rate of only 0.04 deaths per terawatt hour” (Nuclear Energy vs Solar). Due to a few meltdowns, the vast majority are biased against nuclear plants without knowing all of the numbers. Unlike the Sun, certain elements won’t last as long as the human race does, “...nuclear power may not be seen as infinite, the rate that it is consumed is insignificant compared to the amount of the supply” (Nuclear Energy vs Solar). In contrast from solar energy, nuclear energy is not renewable. Nonetheless, humans will still have a plentiful supply of nuclear energy despite the fact that it is not renewable. Lastly, nuclear energy provides more power than solar, “One of the most appealing reasons for nuclear