Taliban Compare And Contrast

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Both the Taliban and the U.S. Armed Forces are militant forces. They are both well-equipped battle powers. The U.S. Armed Forces is a formidable power that is dedicated to the destruction of Islamic terrorism. If the U.S. joins a war, you want her to be on your side, as her thoroughness is like that of a pugnacious bulldog. Although the Taliban and the U.S. Armed Forces are both hardened combat forces, the U.S. is somewhat more advanced in technological areas. The U.S. employs very advanced battle technology (i.e. improved optics, transportation, etc.) The U.S. employs advanced intelligence technology. The U.S. employs considerably advanced weapons (i.e. deconstructive atom bombs, superior penetrating power for high caliber rifles, etc.) The Taliban, on the other hand, is a radically violent Islamic terrorist force that fancies the obliteration of western civilization. They are as primitive as the guerrilla forces in Mexico and South America. They employ various …show more content…

Armed Forces possess land, but while the Taliban's territory is noticeably primitive, the U.S. is very technologically advanced. The U.S. is one of the most prosperous nations in the world, and as a result of that, possesses the world's best source of individual freedom. U.S. landmass possessions are larger than the Taliban's. U.S. is more technologically advanced than the Taliban's land possessions. Additionally, the U.S. is more agriculturally advanced than the Taliban. The Taliban's land possessions are much simpler and more oppressed in some areas than the U.S. The Taliban's possessions in landmass aer significantly smaller than those of the U.S. The Taliban's land property is clearly less advanced than the United States. The Taliban's property is agriculturally rich in opium and a handful of spices, as opposed to the diverse crops of the U.S. Both the Taliban's land and the U.S. are inhabited by people, but the technology of the two populations is dramatically

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