
Taming Of The Shrew Parental Control Essay

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Parental Control Introduction: The hegemony of parents to children over the decades has evolved due to technological advances, however, the roots have remained the same. Like parents in the Elizabethan Era, parents today are protective of their children, with constant attempts to guide them to not make the same mistakes they did in their childhood in hopes that their children will be successful. In The Taming of the Shrew, Baptista arranged a marriage for Kate which leaves her with a lack of choice and feeling conflicted. For decades, lack of choice as a child has caused issues in the childs adult life such as emotional stress, mental health issues, and in extreme situations, it has led to substance abuse. As literature provides a pathway …show more content…

In The Taming of the Shrew, Baptista coerced Kate to get married in order for Bianca to get married (Shakesphere 47). In the first act of the play, when Baptista spoke with Gremio and Hortensio, he told them if either of them loved Kate, he would give his blessing for one of them to marry her whenever they want (Shakespeare 47). The expectation of an arranged marriage focused on “kindship bonds and rearrangement of property” (Lyon). Kate was not fond of this because she had grown to be an independent woman, and her father telling her that she HAS to get married, degrades her and causes her to act out towards the men in her …show more content…

As Baptista plans an arranged marriage for Kate, she felt as if her independence was ripped from her hands. In relation to the current generation, parents have become overbearing with their children. They start controlling aspects of their childs life from such a young age so the child grows up thinking it is normal for parents to be overprotective. The parents overcontrollingness stems from their childhood. With more and more technological advancements coming into play, future generations are at risk to serious problems as an adult, such as substance abuse, emotional damage, and/or stress. Although parents control their children to protect them, to guide them to make good decisions, and to set them up for success by not allowing the kids to make the mistakes they

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