Taming Of The Shrew Synetic Theatre Essay

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In THET:291 professor Davis gave us the option to pick four plays to see. These plays are The Select, The Taming of the Shrew, Ragtime, and Parade. These are all very good options but my choice out of the four has to be “The Taming of the Shrew,” by Synetic Theatre.

Before getting into the play, “The Taming of the Shrew” is a comedy play created by William Shakespeare that is made around 1590. The story involves a man name Petruchio that is trying to “tame” a shrew, Katherina, with psychological torment until the shrew is well behaved. There is also a small competition to see how if the suitors can get Katherine's sister Bianca. This is a classic play among Shakespeare's work but it is brought with some controversies about woman.

There have been many adaptations and revamps of William Shakespeare’s “The Taming of The Shrew.” The Synetic Theater is going to add their unique portrayal of the story. The Synetic Theater mission is to “Synetic redefines theatre by blending innovative techniques and movement, investing in artists’ growth, and creating unforgettable visceral experiences for every audience.” This mission statement is strengthened by the origins of the theatre creation. The Synetic Theater was founded in 2001 by Paata Tsikurishvili and Irina Tsikurishvili who are skilled in dance, theatre, and film …show more content…

In class, some students felt that the play “The Roe” was too long and it dragged on. Students stated that they get the message of the story and felt that some of the characters were just put in there, out of nowhere, to just restate the message of the story multiple times. I felt the same as I said in my head “When is this going to end?” With the “Taming of The Shrew”, 90 minutes will make the students feel the play is the right amount of time so that they can be engaged with the story more. This will also a benefit to make up the long time of the metro