Tampon Tax Persuasive Essay

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Growing up, my family has always lived paycheck to paycheck; meaning I’ve first handedly witnessed the stress that comes with a tight budget by watching my mother struggle over how she was going to pay the bills each month. Taking into account the fact that women spend hundreds of dollars every year on tampons, this money struggle intensifies. In 2015, a comment made by Donald Trump about Fox News debate moderator Megan Kelly sparked a huge debate over the term known as the tampon tax. After saying that Megan Kelly was asking him sharp questions due to “blood coming out of her wherever”, many women have brought to attention the fact that tampons are deemed as unnecessary items; meaning they are subject to an additional tax that some can’t afford. While some may say that the tampon tax is essential for the wellness of the economy, it is clear that tampons should be deemed as necessary items, removing the unfair tax that singles out the female gender; this assertion is supported through how this tax impacts low income families and women’s health. In a society centered around money and status, the group of people labeled as the lower class have the …show more content…

Women on the streets, who have no source of income, also deal with the stress of how to deal with their period every month. Having little to no money, homeless women resort to unconventional methods as a way to stray from the embarrassment that comes from blood staining their pants. Some women are forced to use socks, toilet paper, towels, or even plastic bags as a replacement for feminine hygiene products; this is extremely dangerous and can lead to infection. Many examples prove that women require tampons to maintain a clean and healthy life; therefore, tampons should be labeled as necessities because their true function plays a fundamental role in women’s