Tangerine Victor Character Analysis

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Show class, have pride, and display character.” Several characters in the book have a different feeling towards a game. Erik and Victor are two students in which they have to be the star player of the game. However, Victor also displays a kind character every once in awhile. Also, Gino demonstrates friendly characteristics in the game as if he didn’t care about the game. In the novel Tangerine, Edward Bloor uses the motif of sportsmanship to show the characters’ emotions towards winning the game, changes their overall character. In the book, several characters demonstrate bad sportsmanship because of their anxiety to win. When Erik was up to kick to tie the football game, another player took the ball away to score a winning shot. Then, “All the Lake Windsor kids except Erik came over and jumped on him” (p. 130). The purpose of this is to show how Erik is eminently selfish and although his team won, he does …show more content…

For example, although Victor may display bad sportsmanship, he also can show good sportsmanship from time to time. As he was walking off of the field after an injury, Paul went on the field as his substitute. In the beginning, Victor didn’t have much faith in Paul, but, when Paul scored a goal, his faith in him rekindled leading him to say, “You were me out there, right?” (p. 137). For Paul, his statement was considered as a compliment. Another example, of someone who demonstrates good sportsmanship, is Gino. Gino cares about winning the game as much as he cares about contributing to the game, but he does not complain if he misses a shot, or loses the game because of others. When he took the penalty shot for the win, he missed, and according to what he said afterwards to Paul, “You made me miss. You made me choke” (p. 197), he does not really care how he missed the winning shot. All he cares about was remaining kind and amiable to his former