Tao Te Chinng Analysis

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The unlining philosophy throughout the “Tao Te Ching” advocates living a simple unfretted life as in the PU, the ‘Uncarved Block’, unmolded without specific form or structure. Within the entirety of this work he adopts unique sentence structures to un-structure the definitions of the world around us... as in Ying/ Yang. Many mistakenly believe that the Yin/Yang is a dualistic concept; male/ female, good/bad, right/wrong, black/white, beautiful/ugly… Indeed the Yin/Yang represents all that is and ever will be; as in the uncarved block. It is only when we can let go of these misconceived presuppositions that we find balance in our natural state; to ‘be’ as well as in the state of ‘being’... within all possibilities as in the examples below.

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