Tartuffe Difference Between Enlightenment And Romanticism

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The Enlightenment and Romanticism periods are two genres that consists of some of the world’s greatest work. The Romanticism era evolves around the time of the mid 1600’s, to the late 1700’s. It accentuates highly on emotions, and feelings of what ‘ought to be. The literary work that I have chosen in the Romanticism period is from the author Emily Dickenson and the work is titled “After great pain, a formal feeling comes—“. This particular poem appeals to deep emotion towards an internal pain. With this poem being a part of the Romanticism, it rejects a dark and gothic emotional ambience. The tone of the work itself is gloomy or even pessimistic. On the other hand, you have the opposite of the Romanticism, which is the Enlightenment period. According to “Difference Between”, The Enlightenment values …show more content…

As stated by the “Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy”, the Enlightenment Period is all about equity and dignity of everyone. In Tartuffe Moliere expressed this through the character Dorine, who was the lady maid to Mariane. Orgon and Tartuffe are constantly treating Dorine as if everyone they are so much superior to her. Regardless of her working for them, when Orgon hired her as a house cleaner, he threw her respect and dignity out of the window. With this being a prime example of The Enlightenment Period, on the contrary Dickinson has different point of view. As said by “The Literature Network”, the Romanticism focuses more on the human itself rather the society around it. Dickinson voices this through her poem. Instead of her explaining what hurt her, she focuses on her own hurt. As a replacement of her using a cause and effect method to present her pain, she focuses on declaring her pain through each word. Her words are carrying imagery. In contrast to this, Moliere tends to involve the entire society in his play. They differ in reason and correlate in a sense of