Tax Code Fair Essay

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Is The Progressive U.S. Tax Code Fair? If one kid had a bag of candy and another kid just had a few pieces should they each give you the same amount? Think of the kid with the bag as the wealthy-class and the kid with just a few pieces as the middle-class and the candy is money. The people that make more money should give their fair share in taxes. The wealthy-class should pay their fair share in taxes.The income tax code is far less progressive than it should be, and lowering taxes on the wealthy would not improve the economy in any significant way. The Income tax code is less progressive than it should be. If it was more progressive the wealthy would pay more of their fair share. The way the system works now the wealthy keep getting more …show more content…

Many millionaires pay a lower percentage than their middle-class counterparts because most of their income is from investments. “Tax rates on the wealthiest income-earners have declined by roughly 40 percent since the early 1970s”. If we had this 40% We could slowly get out of national debt. No evidence showing lowering taxes on wealthy improves the economy. The theory “trickle down” economics states, “ if the wealthy get to keep more of their money their wealth would “trickle down” to the rest of society”(Taxation and Tax Reform: Is the progressive U.S. tax code fair). However there is no real proof of this theory working. In fact, cutting the taxes would reduce the federal revenue and not even help the economy. If anyones taxes are cut, it should be the middle-class because they could keep more of their money and benefit the economy more. All in all, the Income Tax Code is not fair. The wealthy should be taxed more fairly and the middle-class should get more tax cuts to improve the economy. The U.S. tax policy will always remain a controversial topic and someone will always be unhappy with their taxes. The divide over tax policy will unlikely resolve in the near future(Taxation and Tax Reform: Is the progressive U.S. tax code

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