
Tea Party Politics

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Every election cycle, Americans go to the polls to elected officials for public office to either change or enact progress of public policies. The system of government of democracy may speak for the majority of the country, but a minority comparatively can counteract and speak out for its injustices. In the 2008 Presidential Election, Democratic Senator Barack H.Obama was elected to the office of President. After his election, a conservative moment known as the Tea Party emerged to fight back newly formed liberal Government. In 2016 the election of Republican Businessman Donald J. Trump caused a countermeasure of leftist and moderates to instruct a social movement to rise. Protests occur in the streets a day after Trump’s inauguration, The …show more content…

Organizations compile exit polls to show not what the people were going to vote for rather how they actually voted. New York Times Exit poll reported that the 2016 election was “Party support shifted dramatically at nearly every income level”(Huang, New York Times). The article showed data that low income (>30,000 to 49,000) voters tend to support Democrats, while the middle class and upper middle class income ($50,000-$200,000+) voted Republican (Huang and Jacoby and Strickland and Lai, New York Times). The left tends to dwell in Medicaid and social programs will the increase budget and spending. The middle class is effected the greatest from higher taxes to support these programs. As the gap between the middle class and the rich spreads out, the middle class could fall into lower income and not live as lavishly with higher taxes and more regulations on businesses. There are basic economic royalties and principles. These concerns of economic lead to movements such the Tea Party movement which can see a resemblance in the social issue movement of the Resistance towards Trumps …show more content…

Obama increased the deficit,, but also lower unemployment and created a controversial Affordable Care Act. . The Resistance will encourage more participation with social media and technological differences between the beginning of the Obama Administration to now. The 2018 midterm will call more participation in younger voters than previous midterms. Especially democrats who didn't show up to the 2010 election costing the House to reflect the people who wanted the change. Depending solely on economic and personal economic reasons people will vote and pay attention to candidates who support their ideas. Approval rating of presidents will show a possible correlation between if the house and senate's change. The House elections change every 2 years and correlate to the general will of the people changing their ideals of how to live a comfortable and personal life. Healthcare is a personal, private issue and could shape with Trumps 37 percent approval rating reported by the Gallup Poll (Saad, Gallup Inc). These resistance movements telegraphed what the public ideology develops, or it is something

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