Teacher Tenure Argumentative Essay

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After perceiving the effects teacher tenure has on both students and teachers. We now examine the key arguments that support their position on teacher tenure. Opponents of teacher tenure argue that bad teachers or under-performing teachers are difficult to remove if they have attained tenure status. Therefore, making it costly for school districts to remove these teachers with tenure. It also causes students to perform poorly academically and affects them psychologically in the long run. Proponents for teacher tenure advocate that it is a necessity for protecting teachers from being fired for personal, political or other non-work related reasons. Teacher tenure guarantees innovation in teaching. Proponents also argue that teacher tenure encourages …show more content…

Teachers have a significant impact on the student’s performance in the class. As mentioned earlier, having a positive student-teacher relationship is very important to the students. It has a positive impact on both the student’s academic and social outcomes. Positive relationships with teachers help students develop self-esteem, boost their motivation to learn more and do well in school. This mechanism is very effective in high-poverty urban areas around the country. If a student does not have a positive student-teacher relationship, the consequences can be catastrophic and have a lasting effect on them. Students can develop a low self-esteem and self-confidence. It can also cause students to perform poorly academically, create bad relationships with peers and adults and become not interests in academics. “Researcher has shown that it’s very important for students that come from low-income housing who experience difficulties academically and negative social outcomes to gain trust and cooperation from their teacher because the students can benefit from the guidance and support” (Gallagher 10). The positive student-teacher relationship is essential to the student’s development, especially at such an important time in their

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