Teachers Should Be Allowed To Carry Guns In Schools

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Teachers and administrators should be allowed to carry guns on school campus

In the past couple of months/years there have been many school shootings. For example Stoneman Douglas High School was apart of a mask shooting a couple of days ago. Teachers shouldn’t be able to have guns on school grounds, it is a danger to other students. The gun could get in the wrong hands or even the teacher could use the gun on accident with a student to scare that student. Though guns are good protection for schools, teachers shouldn’t be allowed to carry guns on school grounds. But other people think that it’s a good that teachers are being armed and that these flaws are due to the past shooting that had occured. Guns could potentially protect a class in many dangerous situations. But just think of all the bad things that could be way worse than a school shooting. A teacher could have a bad day and pull the trigger out of anger, or a teacher could try to scare a student and accidently set off the gun. But yet many people believe guns will guarantee the safety of students. Are these people really concerned with student safety? Should teachers still have guns on campus?

No, they shouldn’t be able to carry guns on schools grounds. …show more content…

The florida school shooting was the big reason as to why society brought up the idea of teachers having guns in school. Teachers shouldn’t even have guns on school grounds, there would be too many problems with the gun, Whether it falling into the hands of someone that’s irresponsible or even worse. Eric, a student that was shooting up a school found one of his peers named Daniel Mauser. Daniel was hiding under a table in the school library and eric shot Daniel. While Daniel try to protect himself with a chair, eric shot him once again. One of Daniel classmate told this tragedy story to the Denver post. Eric could’ve gotten a gun from a