Teaching And Learning Has Taken Account Of Theories, Communication, And Assessment

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.5 Explain how own practice in planning inclusive teaching and learning has taken account of theories, principles and models of learning, communication and assessment.

My delivery of teaching and learning has a strong foundation of the theories, principles and models of learning, communication, and assessment to enable me to make my teaching and learning inclusive and therefore more effective. First and foremost, my body language when teaching is very important. I ensure my posture is positive and assertive. When considering the Behaviourism Learning Theory, I ensure I have high expectations for behaviour, and I demonstrate positive behaviours in the classroom from the very beginning, this ensures that all students know where they stand in …show more content…

Using a variety of tools that suit individual students will increase assessment data for all students as it will give them the opportunity to showcase what they’ve learnt in a way that suits their needs. Assessment for learning is considered throughout learning process and students are assessed as they learn. This is done by asking appropriate questions of the students as they learn to ensure continued understanding. This is an important tool for a student who, for example, may have English as an additional language (EAL) or has a hearing impairment. This will identify any issues with understanding of what is expected of them and gives me the opportunity as a teacher to correct any misunderstandings and to ensure they are learning what is intended for the outcome. Assessment of learning takes place usually, at the end of a topic or unit. This is usually a more ‘one size fits all’ type of assessment, however adaptations can be made to ensure it is accessible to all students. Translators for EAL would be made available for any words that are not understood but without giving an advantage to this student. Any verbal questioning for assessment and feedback would be clear and at an appropriate level to enable understanding and for a student with hearing impairment I would do this face to face to aid lip