
Teaching Philosophy Statement

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During my time at Dawson College, I took part in the CEGEP's social and community involvement for the course of three semesters. I volunteered at the first aid team and at the Dawson daycare center to gain experience in taking care of different people. My passion has always been to help others and to work with children. Interacting with children in the daycare triggered me to pursue my dream of taking care of young people, and what better way to fulfill those dreams than by becoming a kindergarten teacher and taking part in helping shape our future generations? Being a teacher requires a lot of patience; therefore, volunteering in the daycare helped me learn to be patient and be more understanding because every child is raised differently and all people have different stories. When I interacted with children in the daycare, I learned that communication is one of the most important key because children should always feel comfortable speaking to their teachers about their problems and needs. Being able to communicate well with children, it will help me gain their trust and allow me to establish a connection with them. For instance, experiences with stubborn children taught me the arts of negotiating with them. I also realized that a class is more effective if every student feel like they are part of that group and is treated equally. They should not feel that one child is favored over the other. …show more content…

I believe that being creative makes learning much more interesting and challenging. Being creative will be a big help especially for teaching children because their minds are the most creative and a teacher should use that opportunity to build the necessary skills that they would need in life. A reason why I want to teach children because I know that a lot of the things they learn in school will be carried out by them to adulthood and will play a fundamental role in determining their

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