Team Lead Personal Statement

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One of my recent accomplishments at work has been an application that I created to bring about transparency and lucidity in the technical and financial processes followed in the project. The application tracks daily project activities, maintains financial inflow-outflow for the project, forecast weekly project metrics and generates module-wise reports – processes that were carried out using excel sheets until then. My manager, elated after learning about my creation, asserted that he could not have had a better ‘Technical Lead’ for the team. Technology has fascinated me since quite a long time. It was this fascination that led me to pursue Information Technology as my undergraduate engineering major. The various courses that I took and the projects that i worked during college, not only enhanced my technical skills but also made me realize the importance of following a methodical development approach, and applying concepts of software engineering to information stored, so as to reduce a project's complexity. This understanding was further enhanced during my tenure at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) where I have been working on a project for the State Bank of India. Within just two years, I have grown to become the Team Lead where I lead a team of five. …show more content…

At the same time, I realised profits are meaningful only when people in the organization are satisfied with the work they are assigned. I carried forward the same mindset while working at the client’s site and interacting with the client teams. I outshone as a developer who was deeply involved with technology, a technical co-ordinator who traversed the difficult paths along with her colleagues and a team lead who managed clients’ interests as well as the satisfaction levels of her

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