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What I learned that certain events may occur and it will change your thought over something. The steps I had to take was to write a outline overview of what my essay was going to be like and think about the argument and claims I had to pick to support it and find quotes in the book that support my claims. We had to do timed essay about are theme of the essay were going to on. The way we wrote the essay was in TIED format because it would be easier to introduce the claim and back it up with evidence and finally discuss what it means. The leadership skill I used was to complete project effectively because I had to concentrate what I was writing about.
Summaries In Easy Writer, Chapter 37 "Conducting research," Andrea A Lunsford, a English professor, asserts that after finding the topic one must do a great deal of research on it. Remember what sources one is using. Occasionally it is favorable to have both current and noncurrent sources, however that does depend on the topic (Lunsford). Lunsford details the types of sources such as: primary, secondary, scholarly and popular to choose from.
One of the greatest things I learned in this chapter is the skill to think critically in identifying the right ideas to write about in any given paper (Barnet & Cain, 2012). Finding the right ideas to write a creative paper then finally settling on one topic and planning on what to write about is was a valuable brainstorming tool throughout this chapter. Brainstorming and prewriting ideas lead to the drafting process, this area of drafting is a crucial piece in achieving a great paper, it shows us what we have in hand and what we can do to make it great. Use of quality scholarly sources was also an area that the chapter. Use of peer reviewed sources gives more credibility to the paper (Barnet & Cain, 2012).
Even things that had nothing to do with debates such as good ways to put a debate together, how to persuade the audience and how to do an excellent debate. Well I researched all my material for my debate, it helped me get my arguments for our own side as well as it also gave me a little bit of intelligence on the points that they could run over. From the debate about subsidizing farms in Canada I learned that subsidies are harmful for the economy. An example of this is instead of farmers being able to pick what crops they want to plant each year, they are forced to grow a specific crop requested as part of a subsidy.
My mind would get caught up in the narrative or the turns of the argument… That's rarely the case anymore…” (634). Though most persons do not pay attention to such arguments, Carr maintains a valid point. Back in the day research was defined by said word, an examination into sources and provisions in order to inaugurate details and reach assumptions. The contemporary use of the world’s
This may make it look like I had the easiest portion to present but it was actually the contrary. Because I only had two pages of text to analyze meant I only had two pages of text to make my presentation on. This was probably the biggest challenge I faced during this project. Information for the presentation could only come from the text, so I was very limited on information.
Over the course of that semester we struggled with some of the more challenging concepts
Chase or be chased! Leave on the dinosaur chasing campaign of a lifetime to kill a definitive amusement in Dino Hunter: Deadly Shores. Chase DINOSAURS Voyage to a covered up, untouched Jurassic island and slaughter the most brutal creatures ever. VISIT EXOTIC Jurassic LOCATIONS Execute dinosaurs in rich and unsafe Jurassic situations like the wreck strewn coast, congested wilderness and dinosaur boneyard!
It took time, to find the right format, research my questions on what the font or order of the content would be. It was interesting and fun to write a different type of writing style. I improved on Information Skills by that I learned what kind of sources professors/teachers love and what sources they dislike. I also learned that there is no harm in asking the teacher what kind of sources they suggest. This has proven to be helpful and decreased the amount of time I would have spent on researching for
Another bullet point that helped me out is to really know about my subject before I decide write a whole paper on it. Nobody can write a whole paper that makes sense on something they didn’t research or even put effort in trying to learn about it, and sometimes that's how I feel when I write papers for classes. After I turn a paper in I think to myself: Did I do enough research about this? , Did I tell them the main points or just the details? , Did I even tell them enough of the topic I researched?.
Mistakes help me see what not to do, therefore, on my next attempt I can get it right. The areas I feel like I need the most assistance in are analyzing literature and being able to give a detailed description of the works. I struggle with being too vague and not giving an in depth analysis of the pieces. Another aspect I find difficult is getting to the word count on my writing
Another key aspect is understanding where the source is coming from, which means knowing whether the source is from a magazine, blog, or encyclopedia
All of which helped tremendously with becoming a more precise writer and developing my identity as a writer. In the beginning of this course we worked with different readings that were intended to challenge us intellectully. Readings such as “To see your story clearly, start by pulling the wool over your own eyes” which is found the New York Times and “All Writing is Autobiography” by Donald M. Murray where readings that were meant to be challenging yet unfamiliar to us as well. This concept helped me greatly because it proved that I can be a flexible reader.
Selection between sources, we can get information very easy but we do not know how to choose the accurate information. The way to get information, since we can google everything, therefore we won’t go in to library to actually search for a sources. Google is so helpful also making student do not
That is, how did you go about addressing the assignment and what did you learn from it? I really liked the idea of this assignment as a “work on your own” type. There was no written assignment or discussion board associated with it, so I had no pressure and could really just enjoy the readings and videos for my own benefit. The provided information made me think about myself and other leaders that I had experience working with.