
Technology During Ww1

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‘Technology changed the face of warfare during World War I.’ To what extent do you agree?

The first world war revolutionised the modern world in many ways. One of these revolutions was technology. The technologies that were used in WW1 greatly impacted warfare due to the destruction that followed the uses of it and the advantages it gave to countries. These technologies ranged from the use of weaponry to medical to transport. Technology kept evolving during the times of the war which kept the war in a violent state for many years. Firearms, artillery and explosives in the ww1 period created a massacre in battlefields and trenches. Moreover, chemical weapons dramatically changed warfare and were responsible for thousands of deaths before …show more content…

Although some firearms and explosives existed long before the 20th century, many new creations were introduced before and during the WW1 period and were continuously evolving during the times of WW1. As seen in source 1, millions of deaths occurred in the great war. Although this source may not show the most accurate data as many deaths were unaccounted for, it shows a rough idea of the millions of deaths that had occurred in the war. On the other hand though, the Australian War memorial (Source 2) is far more reliable and trustworthy as it is a government website. In the source it is said that “The two weapons that caused the most casualties during the First World War were artillery and machine-guns”. This quote further proves the fact that these technologies modified warfare in the First World War. Around 85% of deaths in the First World War were caused by either firearms, artillery or explosives according to Source 2. In the same source, it is mentioned that around 16 million deaths were accounted for, this is far more deaths than the Balkan wars (1912-1913) which had around 200 thousand deaths, the Boer war (1899-1902) , and other wars that had started before WW1. These deaths further prove the difference in technology between the First World War and other wars in the previous years, thus the reason how firearms, artillery and explosives shaped warfare in the First world

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