
Technology In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Technology plays a part in everyone’s lives. Whether it is making coffee every morning, doing laundry, or watching television, technology is present everywhere. Technology also causes older things that everybody may not agree with, to be banned. For example, more and more books are being banned every day. In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, books ended up being banned completely and technology was the only form of entertainment, ruling people’s lives. They end up getting televisions that take up entire walls and people sit in the middle of a room, surrounded by screens and sound. Mildred Montag, the main character Guy’s introverted wife, is always in the parlor watching this. The fictional, once-futuristic society of Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 …show more content…

This is because the standard of technology is very high and improves the quality of life. Brian Black’s article titled “Electric Appliances” from Gale in Context states that the standard of technology for an American household is having electricity, an electric stove, a microwave, a fridge and freezer, one or more TVs, a computer, and phones. The standard of technology in Fahrenheit 451 is of greater expectations than in real life. Everybody has television “parlor” rooms with screens that take up entire walls, and when they are not surrounded by the screens and noise, they still have their “seashell” radios in their ears. “[Mildred’s] hand moved. The electric thimble moved like a praying mantis on her pillow, touched by her hand. Now it was in her ear again, humming” (Bradbury 45). This quote shows the standard and addiction that the characters have to technology because even when Mildred is going to sleep she has her seashell in her ear blasting music. Overall, the standard of technology is a lot lower in real life because people do not rely on it as their only source of entertainment, whereas in Fahrenheit 451, books are banned and technology is the only thing that provides …show more content…

This is because new technology helps improve the quality of life and solve problems. One example of advancements in technology is new phones being released every year, producers take consumer feedback and complaints and improve and add new features to make a better, more loved device that will be more enjoyed. One problem with this is that as technology improves, prices go up. For example, Andrew King’s article “The Future of Phoning” from Gale in Context states that in the year 2000, only 34% of the United States population had cellular data, now, that number is 97%. More of the population has gotten a subscription to a cellular data service as it has improved. The problem with this is that on average, cellular data costs about $114 a month. The Public Interest Research Group’s article titled “Repair Saves Families Big” states that U.S. citizens spend an average of $1,481.60 per household. This article also says “On average, Americans have 24 pieces of electronics in their homes”. This much technology can be problematic because of the waste it causes. The PIRG article referenced earlier states that the average family makes about 176 pounds of electronic waste per year and the United States makes about 6.9 million tons of electronic waste per year. One way that Fahrenheit 451 shows advancements in technology is when Guy escapes the city and finds a camp of runaways. They

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