Technology In The Blade Runner

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“The film does not take place in a spaceship or a space station, but in a city, Los Angeles, in the year 2019, a step away from the development of contemporary society… (It is a) representation of postindustrial decay. The future does not realize an idealized aseptic technological order, but is seen simply as the development of the present state of the city and of the social order of late capitalism”. The world of LA 2019 is an unappealing one. Artificial neon light has replaced natural sunlight and the huge illuminated adverts add to the sense of disorientation. The humid streets are crowded with inhabitants who speak in a strange, yet familiar language and the frequent downpour of heavy, warm rain onto the waste-filled streets emphasize the …show more content…

In particular in the characters of Rachel and Roy Batty there is an implicit suggestion that on occasion, their behavior is more ‘humane’ that that displayed by the real humans within the film. One of the most important components of a science fiction film is that it is grounded in technology and technology’s effect on the future. Technology is essential for a science fiction movie because it is an integral part of the "science" in science fiction. Blade runner fulfills this criterion because technology is a fundamental aspect of the plot. The main characters in Blade runner are Replicants, products of advanced technology. The problems that arise from this technology are the focus of the film's action. Technology has made the Replicants so similar to humans that the even Blade runners like Deckard, who are hired to kill Replicants, have a hard time distinguishing them from humans. It takes a complex analysis of verbal responses and bio-feedback using the Voight-Kampff machine, also created by technology, to make the distinction between the artificial life and the