
Technology In The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks

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Technology may be used to change the world by increasing efficiency in almost every situation in people's lives. How do you think technology has affected your life? The gothic romantic novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley describes the issues that can arise when one doesn’t use technology wisely, and how it can affect the society of oneself. We are introduced to Victor Frankenstein, and how he makes a once in a lifetime decision to create a creature with the technology he knows about, which takes a bad turn. However, in the novel The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot talks about the benefits of science and technology, but at a moral expense. This novel is about a woman, and how her cells were used, but the outcomes were positive, …show more content…

Furthermore, when creating technology, and or using it, we have to look at the positive and negative aspects of it. In Frankenstein we get an insight of what can happen when you use technology to build something, like how Victor Frankenstein’s creation of the monster/ creature leads to tragic consequences, which illustrates the dangers of uncontrolled technological advancements. It all led back to when Victor was so interested in science and technology, and one day he decided to create, and bring back a human being through electricity, chemicals, stitching, and using body parts from deceased people. Which sounded like a great idea for Victor, because he wanted to become famous in science for doing something different, and cool. Things took a turn, in the sense that when the creature came back to life Victor was mortified by its appearance, and he wanted nothing to do with it. In order to not associate with it, Victor decided to abandon it. Leading the Creature to be lonely for the years to come, and because the Creature was lonely, this was leading the Creature to do malicious …show more content…

The quote also reveals how the Creature is seeking revenge and punishment for Victor, because of what Victor made the Creature go through, and the feeling of loneliness. In order to do that, he tells Victor that he will get his revenge by killing the people closest to Victor. This is a negative aspect, because there can be times where the creature can switch up out of nowhere, and cause harm to society. On the other hand, the novel stated, “I found that the youth spent a great part of each day collecting wood. took his tools, the use of which I quickly discovered, and brought home firing sufficient for the consumption of several days.” (100) This shows us how the Creature also has positive aspects for it being created, because the quote shows how after living in the DeLaceys hovel, the Creature has been observing them, and their everyday routine. He soon notices how they aren’t as happy, and they have no money, so because of this he stops stealing their

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